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Coffee Review

Ethiopia Limu G1 Gesha Washed

Floral, Lemonade, Earl grey, Jasmine tea, Herb
Dashboard mockup


  • Country: Ethiopia
  • Region: Kaffa, Bonga, Gesha
  • Farm: Limu
  • Variety: Ethiopian Heirloom
  • Altitude: 1,500 masl ~ 1,750 masl
  • Process: Fully Washed
  • Crop Year: 2023
  • Exporter: MI Coffee
  • Exporter’s supplied notes: Floral, rosemary, orange, mango, plum
  • Green bean price: $15.50 per kg (retail)

Roast summary  

  • Roasting Machine: Easyster 1.8 (2021)
  • Batch Size: 1,000 g (2.20 lbs)
  • Output Weight: 872 g (1.92 lbs)
  • Weight Loss Rate: 12.8%

Roast profile

Roasting Profile - Ethiopia Limu G1 Gesha Washed

This roast profile was designed to highlight the aromatic, floral, and tea-like nuances of this Ethiopian coffee from the Gesha area. Given its origin (Ethiopia), the fully washed processing method, and a light drop temperature, the profile was set up with a high heat input to bring out these delicate characteristics.

If you choose to increase the roast level slightly, you may find that citrus notes like lemon and orange, along with stone fruit flavors such as plum and mango, become more pronounced. Additionally, a syrupy sweetness and juicy quality could also develop. This year, I sampled two new washed crops, and both exhibited good uniformity and quality. Ethiopian washed coffees are becoming increasingly scarce each year, so high-quality lots like this are likely to sell out quickly.

A note of caution: while the name "Gesha" appears in the region, it does not refer to the Geisha variety but rather the Gesha forest in Limu. The variety is Ethiopian Heirloom, so be careful not to confuse the two.

Sensory Score & Experience

  • Fragrance/Aroma: 8.5
  • Flavor: 8.25
  • Aftertaste: 8.5
  • Acidity: 8.25 (Medium)
  • Body: 8.5 (Medium)
  • Uniformity: 8.25
  • Balance: 8.5
  • Clean Cup: 8.5
  • Sweetness: 8.25
  • Overall: 8.25
  • Total Score: 83.75 / 100

During cupping, the aroma revealed notes of Earl Grey, lemongrass, herbs, and citrus. At higher temperatures, flavors such as floral, lemon tea, savory, and white sugar are present, with a long-lasting aftertaste of herbal and Earl Grey tea notes. As the coffee cools, citric and malic acids become more prominent, with both acidity and body remaining at a medium level. The coffee is umami-rich, with herbal notes like dill and lemongrass shining through. It's aromatic and tea-like, with a savory, lemonade-like quality that combines lemon peel and saltiness. Over time, the body becomes richer and milkier, with jasmine tea and macadamia providing a rich, oily mouthfeel.


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