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Ethiopia Sidamo Bura Keramo Natural


  • Country: Ethiopia
  • Region: Sidamo, Bura, Keramo
  • Variety: 74158
  • Altitude: 2,300 masl ~ 2,350 masl
  • Process: Natural
  • Crop Year: 2023
  • Exporter: Coffee Libre
  • Exporter’s supplied notes: Blueberry, floral, peach, mandarin, rooibos, milk chocolate
  • Green bean price: $18.00 per kg (retail)

Roast summary

  • Roasting Machine: Easyster 1.8
  • Batch Size: 1,007 g (2.22 lbs)
  • Output Weight: 855 g (1.88 lbs)
  • Weight Loss Rate: 15.1%

Roast profile

Roast Curve - Ethiopia Keramo Natural

When roasting this Ethiopian coffee from Keramo, I noticed a slight roasted or baked characteristic that could be improved in future batches. To address this, there are a couple of adjustments you could consider:

1. Lower the drop temperature by 1 degree. This can help eliminate the roasted, baked notes.
2. Increase the charge temperature by 10 degrees. This would allow you to maintain the same drop temperature (roasting point) while reducing baked characteristics.

Additionally, while I tried a medium roast profile as a sample, I believe this coffee might shine better with a light roast to bring out its juicy characteristics. To achieve this, I would lower the charge temperature by 10 degrees and slightly increase the gas pressure.

The profile was originally designed with the origin (Ethiopia), the natural processing method, and a medium drop temperature in mind. I set the gas pressure on the lower side to align with these factors, but adjustments can be made to enhance the overall flavor profile.

Sensory Score & Experience

  • Fragrance/Aroma: 8.5
  • Flavor: 8.5
  • Aftertaste: 8.25
  • Acidity: 8.25 (Medium)
  • Body: 8.25 (Medium)
  • Uniformity: 8.0
  • Balance: 8.25
  • Clean Cup: 8.25
  • Sweetness: 8.25
  • Overall: 8.25
  • Total Score: 82.75 / 100

During cupping, the aroma presented notes of blueberry, peach, chocolate, and floral tones. As you begin tasting, especially at higher temperatures, flavors like cherry, grape, berries, and milk chocolate come forward. The acidity is medium, with a medium body. As the coffee cools, additional notes of orange, black tea, rooibos, muscovado sugar, dark chocolate, and herbs emerge, adding complexity to the cup.

Focus on your roasting,
we will take care of the rest
